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statistical methods, statistical machine learning, multivariate analysis, time series, big data, linear models, generalized linear models, experimental designs, simulation methods, theory of statistics I, II, III, advanced theory of statistics I, II, sampling methods, data visualization


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Last updated on 2021-06-27.


Frances Lin


Oregon State University

PhD in Statistics

Corvallis, OR

2021 - Current

Oregon State University

MS in Statistics

Corvallis, OR

2019 - 2021

Project Title: Prequel to Hawkes Processes: An Overview of Spatial, Temporal and Spatio-Temporal Point Processes and Some Simulations

Other Projects: Big Data Analysis of NYC TLC Trip Records, EM Algorithm for GMMs, Multinomial GLMs for Brain Injury Recovery Stages, Auto Insurance Claim Prediction of Porto Seguro, Regression Models for U.S. Census, VAR Model for Stock Prices, Inference, Classification, and Clustering for Red vs. White Wine

University of Washington

BS in Earth and Space Sciences

Seattle, WA


Professional Experience

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR

2020 - Current

  • Assist in in-class activities, hold office hours, grade and provide feedback on exams and assignments for ST 314 x2, ST 314D (Intro to Statistics for Engineers), ST 351, ST 351D (Intro To Statistical Methods)
  • Lead R programming lab activities for ST 351 (Intro To Statistical Methods)

Statistical Consultant

Oregon State University

Corvallis, OR

2021 - Current

  • Consulted on a Fisheries & Wildlife MS project involving hierarchical modeling of bat species occurrence in OR
  • Co-consulted on a Kinesiology PhD project involving meta-survey analysis of APA and APE program quality in US universities

Data Analyst

Everyone For Veterans

Seattle, WA


Independent Researcher

National Taiwan Normal University

Taipei, Taiwan


Branding Strategist

Roman Catholics Diocese of Taichung

Taichung, Taiwan

2014 - 2016